Diabetes May Affect Male Fertility – Latest Report

We all know about diabetes and its related complications. But recently according to latest report from UK researchers, diabetes may harm sperms more than normal condition. They damage sperms DNA that is one of the major causes of male infertility, pregnancy failure and miscarriage.

The UK research team studied 56 sperm samples to compare the quality of DNA in sperm from men with and without diabetes. They found that around 52% of the DNA in the sperm cells was fragmented in diabetic men compared with 32% in men without diabetes.

One important thing found in this report was that the semen volume was significantly less in diabetic men. But the sperm concentration, their structure or ability to move was almost same.

The report concluded that although there is no significant evidence that diabetic men are less fertile, or their children are less healthy, it is of some concern that more of their sperm DNA may be damage.


As diabetes is a life long disease, one must find a way to tune his/her life with it. http://www.natural-cure-guide.com provides you free information on home treatments to manage such a condition.

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